5 Reasons Why Barbershop Clients Might Cheat on You

Ever wondered why some clients don’t come back? Ever thought about why they decided to go somewhere else? Would you like to know the answers? Nathan Haley (@nathshapes on Instagram) shares his insight… (Number 3 is the biggie!)

1. The atmosphere or environment doesn’t suit them.

I’ve heard from my clients that the reason they left their last barber or hairdresser, was because the vibe of the atmosphere wasn’t for them.

Fix: Make sure the atmosphere your clients are experiencing suits them. If a lot of them are professionals and have kids, maybe think about not having the music too loud.

The atmosphere of your barbershop can be influenced by your shop’s interior – so why not check out these tips?

2. Topic of conversation.

I have had clients tell me about previous encounters with our staff where the conversation was ‘questionable’. Luckily, they know what we stand for as a brand and told us privately so we could fix it.

Fix: Make sure you know your clients’ interests before you start word vommiting. Ask them questions and let them talk – it’s easier.

3. The quality of service.

I can’t tell you how many clients we attract and retain due to our quality of service. Even when clients try somewhere else, many of them come running back.

Fix: Always deliver your best. Your clients aren’t always your best friends, never forget that it is a professional relationship first.

4. The cleanliness of your space.

Many times I’ve had new clients come and say that their previous barbers didn’t clean their equipment, or that they dropped a brush and used it on them without cleaning it. Trust me, clients can spot a messy, unclean station, and that’s enough to turn people off.

Fix: Treat your equipment and work station better than you treat your new trainers.

5. You’re not skilled enough.

The standards are being raised every year. Clients want more and expect more for their money. Invest in yourself, improve your skills, and deliver the best for your clients.

Fix: If you feel like you know it all, you need to invest in some education.


You can check out more of Nathan’s content here…


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