Beard Oils – Think Cookery Rather Than Chemistry!

I’m regularly asked how the ‘therapeutic-grade’ natural oils that form Village Barber’s award-winning range of Beard Oils actually work. How, for instance, does our Beard Growth Oil help stimulate hair growth? What’s the ‘secret formula’ when it comes to our Maintenance Beard Oil helping to keep your cherished whiskers in tip-top shape? Beard Oils – Think Cookery Rather Than Chemistry!

Well, firstly, our knowledge of essential oils has greatly increased in the last few decades and, as such, we now have vastly experienced Clinical Aromatherapists who, through trial and error over the years, have nailed the perfect blend of essential oils – each one of which plays its own individual part in the process – to form the finished, synergistic product. For instance, we know that sandalwood has a plethora of benefits on the skin. It is an exceptional anti-septic agent, thus helping to prevent infection through the pores. It contains antioxidants that help maintain the buoyancy and structure of the skin cells, etc. etc.

However, if you want to know about the properties of the individual ingredients and how they contribute to the job the particular Beard Oil is designed to accomplish, then you would be better reading, for instance, “The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Essential oils” written by Julia Lawless.  However, it really is about so much more than individual ingredients……..

As such, please allow me to share an analogy – when it comes to what we put on our skin, think cookery rather than chemistry. Of course the individual ingredients are important but is it not the meal itself that is served that counts? Is it not the taste produced by the inclusion of ALL of the ingredients and the subsequent effect on your body and well-being that counts?

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Can you separate the well-being and health of a plant from the soil in which it is planted or the weather and the environment in which it lives? Your beard is literally ‘planted’ under your skin and therefore you should never think in terms of your beard without understanding how critical the health of your skin underneath is to the health, growth and maintenance of the hair on your face. Therefore, any quality beard oil needs to, first and foremost, be addressing the care and well-being of the skin your beard hair is growing through. Only when that is successfully accomplished can you ever expect to produce a healthy, vibrant beard of which you can be proud of.

Certainly you can research each individual ingredient listed in each product whether online or in books but the key is how the ingredients are put together and the results achieved. What is unique about Village Barber products is their effect – total care for the hair and also the place in which the hair is “planted”.




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