Master colorist Sam Borenheim of Bee Sam Beauty wanted to offer her clients that extra something, and she developed a technique that works for her, and allows her to incorporate sequins into hair. With their ability to reflect light, the result is shimmering strands and a radiant bit of interest to a client’s look.
“After extensive research and development, I created my own looping technique, allowing the sequins to be seamlessly integrated into the hair. With proper care, this method extends the life of the sequins for up to six weeks,” says Borenheim.
For an added burst of sparkle, Borenheim says that larger embellishments such as spangles, sequins, or charms can be attached to the ends of the strands. These shimmering strands turn hairstyles into twinkling tresses, perfect for special occasions like weddings, parties, sporting events or music festivals.
“My clients know I’m always experimenting with new techniques and they are always excited to try out my latest hair creations,” Borenheim concludes. “I’m always looking for ways to elevate a balayage or hair coloring session at the salon, and sequin hair is the icing on the cake as it is the hair accessory that takes it over the top.”
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