Intravenous Delivery of Exosomes for Hair Loss

I first covered exosomes and hair growth in 2019 when this new treatment first made waves in the hair loss world. In 2020, I wrote an update on this subject in which I listed new studies supporting the benefits of exosomes in regrowing scalp hair.

Also in 2020, I wrote a post about Dr. Dan McGrath’s patient experiences after he sent me some before and after photos. This included one that showed a person getting significant hair darkening after exosome scalp injections.

Thereafter, I stopped covering exosomes for several years due to the fact that the US FDA made some significant changes in its exosome and stem cell related regulations. A lot of hair transplant surgeons even removed their exosome related website pages in order to avoid breaking any government regulations. Several that I talked to still offer this treatment, but do not want to overtly publicize the fact.

In 2023, I wrote a comprehensive post that listed the most well known companies that are supplying exosomes to the hair loss market. The main reason was because an increasing number of companies based outside the US are now supplying various types of exosomes to the hair loss market.

There are some new developments in the world of exosomes and hair growth that have forced me to write yet another lengthy post on the subject. Exosomes contain growth factors, cytokines, and microRNAs that can modulate signalling pathways and impact long distance cell-to-cell communication. Stem cell-derived exosomes possess remarkable regenerative properties.

Intravenous (IV) Delivery of Exosomes for Hair Loss

To date, almost all the discussion about exosomes for hair loss has entailed the cells being injected into one’s scalp. Sometimes in tandem with microneedling and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. However, recently a person sent me the below e-mail about his great hair growth results from getting exosomes via IV infusion:

I went to Dr. X and he provided ExoFlo from Direct Biologics. He went directly into my scalp in 2020. I did not see hair results. I feel like I got other body results.

I then went to Dr. Y in 2022, using XoGlo and he also went into my head. I did not see any results to my hair, but I got other results. Also pretty sure my hair continued to fall. It did not stop anything.

In 2023 I went back to Dr. Y and got EV-Pure from Vitti Labs injected into my blood stream via IV (Intravenous). Around 5-10% of my hair grew back.

Six months later I went again, and got massive hair gains via IV. Same brand from Vitti Labs. I feel like my hair has not been this full since I was 26. I’m 40 right now.

My dad also got massive hair gains he is at 69. I took him with me to do both Vitii Lab IV injections.

I do this every 6 months now. I’ve done my 5th, but it was a few months ago. It takes like 14 weeks for results to show up.

Also 0 gray hair reversal, and my grays continue. Trying to work on this right now.

So basically there is a cure, but its just expensive.

Recent Studies on Exosomes and Hair Growth

Exosomes before and after crown hair growth. Source: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

A 30-person clinical trial in Turkey titled “Exosome Treatment in Androgenetic Alopecia” ended in May 2024. Foreskin-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were utilized, and the study participants’ balding levels ranged from Norwood 3-6. The exosomes were sourced from the Extracellular Vesicle and Exosome Research Laboratory (EVER Lab) at Yeditepe University.

Upon further exploration when writing this post, I noticed that the results were just published on August 22, 2024. One of the before and after hair growth images is shown on the right. The study made the following conclusion:

“Foreskin-derived mesenchymal stromal cells derived exosome injection increased hair density, with sustained patient satisfaction throughout the study. The exosome application resulted in no side effects.”

  • An August 2024 study from South Korea finds that adipose stem cell-derived exosomes positively impacted hair follicle dermal papilla cells; increased proliferation and upregulation of hair growth-related genes; activated the Wnt/β-catenin pathway; promoted hair shaft elongation; and led to an overall increase in hair density. One of the authors is affiliated with renowned local exosome supplier ExoCoBio.
  • A new August 2024 study from Poland is titled “The emerging role of exosomes in the treatment of hair loss.”
  • A July 2024 paper from China presents a thorough review of the most recent progress in the use of exosomes for hair growth.
  • Also from July 2024, Thai scientists deliver rose stem cell-derived exosomes via noninvasive electroporation to treat androgenetic alopecia.

Calecim (PTT-6): Growth Factors and Exosomes

Earlier this month, HairClone (UK) received a grant to research how hair growth stimulants are able to elicit their positive effects. The company will partner with Singapore-based Cell Research Therapeutics (CRT) and investigate signalling molecules released by cells and their biological effects on hair follicles.

I was not planning to cover this news, but upon further research, I noticed that the two companies will work with CRT’s interesting Calecim Advanced Hair System serum product.

This product includes PTT-6®, which according to the company contains: “over 3,000 proteins, including growth factors, cytokines and exosomes that signal cells to regenerate”.

“PTT-6 is derived from the secretion of cord lining stem cells isolated from ethically sourced umbilical cord tissues of red deer (at birth) which are farmed for their velvets in New Zealand. No deer is harmed in the extraction and harvest of this rich source of stem cells.”

PTT-6 was studied in 10 male and female patients in Austria in 2023, and the hair growth impact was favorable. More here. Similar results were seen in an 8-males study from Singapore in which the serum was injected. However, in this case, these 8 males were also prescribed finasteride and oral minoxidil.

Also of interest:

“HairClone is able to grow dermal papilla (DP) cells within the laboratory. The DP cells, found at the base of each hair follicle, are responsible for controlling hair growth and release numerous growth signals, including exosomes and cytokines. These signals are released into the cell culture medium during growth and can be collected and applied to the scalp in order to stimulate hair growth.”

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