What Are You Really Buying When You Buy Hair Systems?



Whether you’re a man or a woman, you’re buying more than a hair system for your head; you’re buying a company, a service, a relationship and most of all, a great feeling when you leave every time!

You will find many varying hair replacement service providers if you search even a local yellow pages phone book. If you take your search further online, you’ll be inundated with options for hair systems. So how will you choose? In fact, according to experts, most people experiencing hair loss explore solutions but end up trying nothing … probably because they don’t know what to try.

“That’s why you want to definitely make appointments for a free consultation with several different hair replacement studios and specialists before you make your decision, just like any other large ticket service you might explore,” explains Jean Sheldon, owner of Allusions Hair Restoration Studio in Cincinnati, OH. Go to each appointment and explain your hair loss situation. Make a list of questions you have and ask them all! A good studio can evaluate your specific needs and recommend several solutions depending on your budget and lifestyle. In the end, choose the hair replacement specialist that makes you feel the best, advises Sheldon, “because you will have a long-term relationship with this company and this person.”

We interviewed several hair replacement specialists to find out what a good hair replacement practitioner will ask you and what prospective clients should ask of them, so take note!

A good hair systems specialist should ask you:

  • What is your hair loss prognosis? “No stylist should make any recommendations for you without knowing why your hair loss has occurred,” cautions Lisa Lewis, a Certified Hair Replacement specialist, owner of Wiggit II in Clovis, CA.
  • What medications are you using? “You never know which medications may be the cause of the hair loss!” says Lewis.
  • What are your specific lifestyle requirements and activity level?
  • What are your budgetary restrictions?
  • How is your hair loss affecting your life? “I like to find out a client’s main concerns, this way we can suggest solutions that will help you overcome your feelings and loss of confidence!” says Lewis.

You should ask the hair systems specialist:

  • What training certifications do you have as a hair replacement specialist? “They should be a licensed cosmetologist with additional training because hair replacement requires a high degree of skill and knowledge … it’s very specialized,” explains Jeanne Sheldon.
  • Can I come in for a quick fix in between appointments, if necessary? “A good specialist is flexible and will work with you no matter what happens,” says Mimi Miller, Certified Hair Enhancement specialist at Evolve Salon in Las Vegas, N.V.
  • Can I see some current before and after client pictures?
  • Are you a member of your local Better Business Bureau?
  • How long have you been performing hair replacement?
  • How long has your company been in business?
  • What are your payment options?
  • Do you offer in-house financing or CareCredit?
  • Monthly service payments?

Michael Garcia, a marketing executive at Bright Bulb Solutions in Los Angeles, C.A., specializes in the hair loss industry and explains “The highest quality hair replacement companies out there are selling the relationship. It all comes down to the skill and talent of the studio in making you look and feel good. An honorable and reputable company doesn’t want to make a quick sale of hair systems; they want to establish a relationship that lasts many years.”

Another hallmark of a great service or studio is one that invites you to come back within a week of getting your new hair. “We want you to come back within a week because we know you’ll discover limitations to your new hair systems, have questions about styling and care, and we want you to have the best experience possible with something we have designed just for you,” says Lewis. “Look for patience and the willingness to teach!” Overall, good service and a stylist makes you feel good. They will look you in the eyes as they speak to you and touch and feel your hair. They will make you feel better about the entire situation. They will partner with you in your quest for confidence and these are some of the very important factors when you pick a hair replacement specialist.

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