How to Clean a Derma Roller


Fill up a plastic container halfway with warm water from your tap. Add 3-5 drops of dishwashing liquid or Castile soap and mix it up with a spoon. Then place your derma roller in the container upside down. Soak your derma roller for 10-20 minutes.

  • This gets rid of any surface blood or skin cells.

Derma rollers have many small needles that poke into the pores of your scalp. Dirt, blood and dead skin can get trapped in between the needles. For a deep clean, use a new, clean toothbrush with soft bristles. Turn on warm water, and hold your roller underneath the stream. Brush your roller gently with your toothbrush for about 60 seconds.

  • This gets rid of dirt and residue that alcohol or soap may not lift off.
  • While this is optional, it provides a deep, thorough clean.
  • If you use a used toothbrush, you can spread bacteria to your roller.

Place the wet sponge on a clean, flat surface. Then, move your roller back and forth across the top of the sponge. Do this for up to 45 seconds to get rid of dirt and residue that other methods may not remove.

  • This is optional, though it is a good idea if you frequently use your roller or have an older roller.
  • Use a new, clean sponge to avoid contaminating your face.

Use warm water from your faucet to wash your roller off and get rid of any dirt, skin, blood, or debris that came loose when cleaning it. Then, place your roller upside down on top of a clean paper towel.

  • Your roller should dry in about 10-20 minutes.

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