Visiting a mercado in my native Mexico, where the competition is fierce, reminded me why I never discount my salon prices. At the mercado, when a merchant hears another offer you two limes for a peso, he offers three. Buyers all play the game of rock-bottom prices.
Competing on price for your talent is a tricky race to the bottom. You will still give the best haircut because that’s why you do hair. All that really happened was that you received the lowest price.

“Set yourself apart to keep clients loyal.”
I used to charge above-average prices because this kept me on my toes to consistently deliver above-average services. No way could I just do a nice little haircut; the price pushed me to do my best. I liked that pressure, plus the results.
Keep your ear to the ground for what client pocketbooks may be telling you. When money seems tight, don’t discount or raise prices. Don’t raise your prices unless you are booked weeks in advance.
Beyond basic economics, set yourself apart to keep clients loyal regardless of cost. Price is psychological. If a watch can sell for thousands of dollars when time is free and everywhere, you know value is not functional but in the buyer’s mind.
Here’s a quick checklist of mental attitudes to ensure you stand out:
Think of Yourself as a Resource
You don’t work piecemeal. You trained to be an expert with a beauty philosophy.
- Know the trends, remaining open to continuous learning.
- Diversify your work to include all types of hair.
- View new challenges as an opportunity to grow.
Use Self-Talk to Boost Your Confidence
I talk to myself all the time 😉
- Say you believe in the value of your person—out loud.
- If you’re not doing your best work, ask yourself, what are you doing?
- Trust in your ability to provide superior services.
- Be cool. You stand out without affectation or prissiness.
Think Relationships, Not Transactions
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.
- Build genuine connections through quality services, not favors.
- Do clients trust you? Will they accept you saying they need a change?
- Prioritize loyalty and long-term relationships over short-term gains.
Here is the psychology of best pricing in a formula for you: (Attitude + Learning + Self-Talk) × Value Awareness + Relationship Building = Best Price.

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