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Before new salon or spa owners open their doors for the first time, there are five key things they should consider, says Amy Carter of Empowering You Consulting. They are:
Your true role as an owner.
You literally CANNOT do everything yourself. You have to delegate some of the tasks so you can focus on the higher-level tasks that no one else can do. I love the quote, “I only do what only I can do.”
I’ve had clients tell me they simply do not have the time to work on the business. So, I had them list out every single thing they were doing each day. I had to point out that someone else in their company could take out the trash, do the laundry or be the one to greet every client. Delegate your tasks, train your team and only do CEO things!
Your finances.
Numbers can be scary. Either you’ve always felt confused by them, don’t know what to look for or are scared of what they will tell you. Trust me, it’s better to know. Your decisions will be so much smarter and your profits so much greater when you know your finances. Understanding this took my business from unprofitable to massively profitable, and knowing how much cash I needed in reserve saved my business time and time again.
How to grow a team and cultivate a strong culture.
Culture is the backbone of success. When my team’s culture sucked, I hated going into the salon. And, I’m pretty sure no one else enjoyed going there either. But when you’ve pruned the bad seeds and worked on cultivating an amazing environment, we saw it flourish again. That’s why we teach not to hire out of desperation. Instead, hire when you know new employees will add to your team culture.
How to be a good leader.
A great leader is relatable and vulnerable, not just busy. I find that many owners think that being a leader means you’re the busiest one in the salon. That’s simply not true. You need to let your team know that you care, that you understand them and that you’re invested in their growth. You need office time and an open-door policy so your staff can come to you and find a safe place to share their thoughts.
How to coach your team on an ongoing basis.
The truth is, most leaders are made, not born. People don’t pop out of beauty school with leadership savvy. These are skills that need to be developed, and those of us who own a salon or spa aren’t immune from it. Develop your team to be the best that they can be.Technicians need to develop their own leadership skills so you can stand out from the crowd and become a six-figure service provider.
I love taking the time to coach my team to their dreams and their greatness. It’s an honor to support them in living a life they love. When they are happy, owning my salon is a breeze!
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Originally posted on Salon Today